What Is the Average Truck Accident Settlement in Texas?

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If you are considering pursuing compensation for a truck accident, you’re likely wondering what the average truck accident settlement would be. In truth, there is no straightforward answer. Even if it were possible to pull the data for average truck accident settlements in Texas, knowing this number doesn’t help you much.

This is because every truck accident claim—just like every truck accident—is different. As such, we’re here to help you better understand how the value of settlements is calculated by reviewing the factors that impact settlement amounts and why 18-wheeler accidents tend to be so complicated.

If you or a loved one has been involved in a truck accident, schedule your FREE case evaluation with the Houston truck accident injury lawyer at Patrick Daniel Law today by calling (713) 999-6666. We represent clients in Houston and throughout Texas with a Strategic. Meticulous. Merciless. approach.

How Much Is the Average 18-Wheeler Settlement in Texas?

While every case is unique, generally speaking, an average truck accident settlement in Texas is often worth more than other motor vehicle accident settlements. In many cases, they are worth hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars, if not more.

The largest settlement ever reached for a single plaintiff was a $140M settlement for a Texas man who suffered severe injuries in a truck accident, resulting in quadriplegia. This was a unique situation, but the amount is understandable if you consider the factors determining how much a settlement is worth.

Factors That Impact Truck Accident Settlement Amounts

To begin getting a better sense of how much a particular settlement should be worth, here are a few key factors that determine the value of claims:

Extent of Damages

Damages suffered by an accident victim are the first thing to consider when calculating a claim’s value. In the case mentioned above, the victim suffered from quadriplegia as a result of the accident. This meant he was facing significant long-term medical costs, was unable to work, and experienced tremendous pain and suffering as a result of the accident—all of which contributed to a sizable settlement offer.

Evidence & Investigation

You can only recover compensation if you can prove that someone else’s negligence resulted in the accident, your injuries, and your damages. Strong evidence that proves the other party’s negligence, compiled during a thorough investigation, is critical to a claim’s success.


When it comes to settlements, you can either accept or deny an offer. If the offer is too low, you can continue to negotiate or pursue legal action. On the other hand, if you are eager to move forward, you can accept an offer even if it is less than you deserve. A strategic truck accident injury lawyer will be able to help you through this process to do what is best for you and your family.

Altogether, settlement amounts are part math, part preparation, and part preference. The most important thing is to ensure you are considering all of the damages you have sustained as a result of an accident so you can pursue a fair settlement offer.

Common Injuries in Truck Accidents in Texas

A fully loaded 18-wheeler can weigh up to 80,000 pounds or more. This extreme weight traveling at high speeds can cause incredible damage to other vehicles and their drivers and passengers.

As such, it should come as no surprise that the common injuries we see in truck accidents tend to be very serious, including:

In some cases, these injuries can result in long-term—even lifelong—challenges, such as:

Dealing with these conditions can make daily life far more challenging—and potentially more expensive—than it should be.

Read More: What Kind of Injuries Qualify for Truck Accident Compensation?

Why Are 18-Wheeler Accidents More Complicated Than Car Accidents?

Beyond the fact that truck accidents often result in more serious damages than car accidents—which inherently makes them more complicated—other factors also contribute to the complexity of truck accident claims. For example, there are often more parties involved in a truck accident. Beyond the driver, there is:

The Trucking Company

Trucking companies may be partially or fully responsible for a truck accident if, for example, they force their drivers to spend more time on the road than legally allowed or if they hire drivers who have a history of problematic behavior, such as driving under the influence.

The Loading Company

The company responsible for loading the truck may also bear some responsibility if its workers negligently overload a truck.

The Maintenance Company

If the company or individual responsible for the ongoing maintenance of a truck fails to uphold their duties and it results in an accident, they can be held liable for the accident and subsequent damages.

Each of these companies will likely also have its own insurance providers, meaning you could face teams of investigators and underwriters doing everything possible to minimize your damages and shift blame to another party. This results in far greater complexity than in a typical car accident claim.

Read More: How Is Liability Determined in a Truck Accident?

How Can a Truck Accident Attorney Help?

Dealing with all of these parties is one of the primary reasons working with a truck accident injury attorney can be so helpful. However, there are plenty of additional ways a lawyer can help you, including:

After a serious truck accident, doing any of this on your own would be very difficult, especially if you have no experience with truck accident claims. An 18-wheeler accident lawyer will take this burden off your plate so you can focus on getting better.

Read More: How Long Do You Have To Get a Lawyer After a Truck Accident?

Contact Our Houston Truck Accident Injury Lawyer Today!

Too often, truck accidents result in terrible injuries and damages for accident victims. Those responsible for these accidents—whether they be drivers, trucking companies, or another party—should be held accountable for the consequences of their negligence.

Don’t worry about the average truck accident settlement. Consult Patrick Daniel Law to determine if you have a viable claim and how much it could be worth.

We are committed to holding negligent parties accountable as we help truck accident victims recover the justice and compensation they deserve. Contact our Houston truck accident lawyer today to get started with a FREE consultation.

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