Nicolette Daniel Invited to Join Houston Business Journal Leadership Trust

Patrick Daniel Law | Personal Injury Lawyer
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Houston, Texas — Nicolette Daniel, Chief Strategy Officer at Patrick Daniel Law, is joining Houston Business Journal Leadership Trust, an exclusive community for influential business leaders, executives and entrepreneurs in the Houston area.

Nicolette was chosen for membership by the Houston Business Journal Leadership Trust Selection Committee due to her experience, leadership and influence in both the local and national business landscape.  Patrick Daniel Law is a Houston and Louisiana based progressive, personal injury law firm located in Houston, Texas specializing in products liability. Nicolette takes a cutting-edge approach to marketing her firm digitally, employing techniques not previously seen—or even understood by other industry leaders.  Simply put, she’s a progressive, intellectual who moves the market and makes those in the know, sit up and listen. She is the rudder of the digital movement’s future.

“Houston’s thriving business community is powered by leaders like Nicolette, said Bob Charlet, president and publisher of the Houston Business Journal. “We’re honored to be creating a space where the region’s business influencers come together to increase their impact on the community, build their businesses and connect with and strengthen one another.”

Nicolette’s contributions to the Houston Business Journal website and participate alongside fellow members in Expert Panels will connect and collaborate a vetted network of local leaders in a members-only directory and a private forum on the group’s mobile app. Nicolette expertise and background, including work for Mark Burnett on Survivor and The Amazing Race along with extensive experience in the Chicago retail industry where she was named Chicago Businesswoman of the year at age 25, will benefit all those already members of this exclusive and prestigious group.

“Houston has long been acknowledged and recognized as an oil and gas hub, but is an untapped resource for social media and online marketing.  Even the people residing in Houston should understand that Houston is capable of being not just progressive, but influential, in the digital community.  I hope my work can help Houston, and Patrick Daniel Law, move to the forefront of the internet medium platform.” – Nicolette

The Houston Business Journal Leadership Trust team is honored to welcome Nicolette to the community and looks forward to having her elevate its membership list and share her knowledge, intellect and circle of trusted advisors to further impact the Houston business community and beyond.

About Business Journals Leadership Trust

Houston Business Journal Leadership Trust is a part of Business Journals Leadership Trust — a collective of invitation-only networks of influential business leaders, executives and entrepreneurs in your community. Membership is based on an application and selection committee review. Benefits include private online forums, the ability to publish insights on, business and executive coaching and a dedicated concierge team. To learn more and find out if you qualify, visit

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