What is Tire Failure and How to Prevent It

Patrick Daniel Law - Houston Personal Injury Lawyer
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When you’re on the road, having a tire fail is aggravating at best and lethal at worst. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there were 738 motor vehicle traffic deaths in tire-associated collisions in 2017. Our team has put together this blog in the hopes that it will help you recognize the initial indicators of tire failure, prevent the malfunction when possible, and, if unavoidable, guide you on what to do if your tire fails.

The Initial Symptoms Of Tire Failure

Tires breaking down can feel like a fact of life, which makes sense when you take into account that in the U.S. alone, tires journeyed 3.2 trillion miles in 2017. Maintaining the health of your tires is vital to your safety, so it’s important to be able to spot red flags when they appear. As a new or seasoned driver, make sure to check your tires periodically, and if you see any of the symptoms below, immediately have a professional go over it, fix the source of the problem, or replace the tires.

  • Inconsistent tread wear, which can result from wheel misalignment, suspension part issues, incorrect inflation, or tire damage
  • Blisters or bulges
  • Cuts or cracks in the sidewalls
  • Overly worn tread
  • Extreme vibration, which may signal that a wheel is unbalanced, misaligned, or bent, as well as indicate internal tire damage
  • Under inflated tires make vehicles difficult to control, reduce the tire’s life, and can result in a blowout or tread separation

Preventing Tire Failure

You can prevent tire failure altogether by properly maintaining your tires and spotting the symptoms before an accident occurs. If you have low-profile tires, it’s best to steer clear of potholes and avoid running into obstacles, like curbs, to prevent damage. Driveway lips can pose a threat to low-profile tires as well. Finally, pay attention to the sound and feel of your tires as you drive. Before a tread separation occurs, you can usually hear a repeated slapping sound. If that happens, reduce your speed, move your vehicle off the roadway and inspect it.

What To Do If Your Tire Fails

More than just a statistic, injury and death by tire failure is all too real. Take, for example, the recent ambulance tire blowouts in Virginia. Having your emergency vehicle get into a wreck while you’re being taken to a hospital is something no one should have to go through. “No matter how much maintenance you put into your vehicle, tires can fail, and at no fault of your own. Tire failure, whatever the reason, can result in severe or deadly injury, so it’s important to understand what to do in the event that this occurs,” says Patrick Daniel, attorney and founder of Patrick Daniel Law Firm.


Have You Suffered From An Injury Due To A Defective Tire?

If you’ve experienced tire failure and were hurt, our expert and devoted personal injury attorneys at Patrick Daniel Law are here to help you sort out the best path forward. We use our considerable set of skills and resources to win your case and deliver the compensation you deserve. We understand how tough your situation is and are ready to fight on your behalf.

Contact us or call us at (713) 999-6666 to schedule a free consultation.

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