Jason Beale Testimonial – Brain Injury after an accident Testimonial

Jason Beale Testimonial – Brain Injury after an accident Testimonial
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Jason suffered a traumatic brain injury after the seat on a riding mower that he recently purchased broke off. The injury exceeded anything Jason had experienced playing football, resulting in loss of consciousness for several hours. When Jason came to, he was disoriented. This feeling lasted several days.

Prior to the accident, Jason was an experienced carpenter and laborer. Today, as a result of the brain injury, he is unable to provide for his family.

His story demonstrates how difficult brain injuries are to diagnose and treat, as well as the importance of hiring an attorney who knows the different signs and symptoms and how to collect medical evidence that demonstrates the severity and extent of the damage.

Patrick Daniel Law made Jason a part of our family. We helped get him on the road to recovery, and we can help you and your loved ones do the same. Contact us today for a free case review to learn how our team can assist you.

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